I have decided to move my "Unprocessing Your Food" blog from Blogger.com to my own web site.
You can find it here: http://www.tracygoodbrand.com/blog.htm
I found that I was getting frustrated with trying to get the layout and look I was striving for. My frustration led to losing interest, despite my passion for this issue, and therefore, not posting any new entires. On my own web site, I can also have all the recipes available as a .pdf to make it easy for everyone to print them for their own use, which is something people couldn't do here.
There are a few disadvantages - there is no ability to leave comments. If you have a comment, please just email me. When I get time, I will work on the code to set up a way for people to leave comments.
There is also no way to list 'followers'. I really don't care how many people follow my blog, so this isn't that important of an option.
I am planning on adding more blog posts and recipes more often, especially now that I have taken care of my frustration.
I hope you enjoy the information on 'unprocessing your food' and the recipes. I would love to hear what you think of the recipes when you try them. Also, feel free to share your recipes with me!
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